Monday, March 24, 2014

Frozen snow cave

Anxiously waiting to get hoisted into the underground cave.  Finally I'm down wow all I can see is gleaming walls with long icicles hanging from them.  On the end of the icicles were frozen ice.  Putting my pick axe into the icy walls, scared to move another step, hoping  I don't fall.  What am I looking for you ask well I'm looking for crystals.  Finally I found the crystals in a big cave.  Putting my pick axe into the icy wall moving side to side. Half way up I found a little cave with a wall of ice and frozen icicles on the top of the cave, so I went to the cave it was so dark so I had a little sleep.  A couple hours later I saw sunshine and heard voices saying are ok buddy I knew the sound of that voice it was my best friends I said I am cold so yanked on the harness string and my buddies pulled me up.

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